Friday, January 4, 2008

KROHM - The Haunting Place CD

KROHM - The Haunting Place CD
Imagine you woke one day and decided to create a Black Metal record that's key ingredients were misery and despair. Well then that would make you Numinas (aka:Dario Derna) the genius behind the one man project KROHM. Numinas did seek to make a release that was on par with some of the old 90s Black Metal stalwarts (BURZUM & DARKTHRONE). He definitely succeeded with this his third release. Although his second release is actually a reissue of early material.Some of you might remember Numinas (aka: Dario Derna) when he used to drum for EVOKEN as well as the band ABAZAGOTH. He also drums for label mates DRAWN AND QUARTERED.

But getting back to this CD, it's 7 tracks (56 plus minutes) of uncomfortable misery on an epic scale. This should be played on college radio stations during exam finals. There would be bodies flying out of dorm windows by the minute. Wouldn't that be fun to watch especially on a week night when there's nothing to do. Get together with friends, bring some lawn chairs and a cooler full of beer. Find yourself a good spot and then watch the festivities as "The Haunting Presence" blasts in the background. What I like about this CD is that each track is more nightmarish than the one preceding it. The opener "Bleak Shores" sets us in the mood for misery. It's followed by the melancholy, with the exception of the rapid fire drumming, "Lifeless Serenade" which is almost like a death march into some unseen as of yet oblivion. But you know something horrible awaits as Numinus's bellowing growls press you onward.

"I Respiri Delle Ombre" translated from Italian means "the breath of the shadows" and as the third song on this CD, it starts off at a rocking pace. But that's short lived since fun is not allowed. And so Numanis slows things down to a shoe gazer pace. By the way he sings the song in Italian which definitely drapes more misery onto a song worthy to die for. "Relic" is the most bombastic cut on this CD by far. Also it is the most reminiscent of early DARKTHRONE, while the rest is territory previously spat upon by Varg Vikernes. For all of you naysayers out there who still consider the USBM scene to be utter shit, the time has come to eat your words and choke upon them.

"Memories of the Flesh" is my obvious favorite cut on here for a number of very personal reasons. First and foremost, it's with the lyrics. "Trapped in the procession of time. Hatred stirs memories of the flesh. Uncovering a solace only found. In the loss of my humanity." It is these words that perfectly reflect my most recent past experiences, the truly painful crap. One person recently told me that I'm running. But in actuality I'm exploring the depths. And it's within this very song that I feel a kinship. As if I have totally disregarded everything in my recent past on purpose because it was the flesh which felt the pain. Undressing it was the best thing for me although losing my humanity was the cost of that decision. Oh yeah and the drumming is incredible on it.

Numinas follows that perfectly with another cut sung in Italian, "Tra La Carne E Il Nulla" or in English "Between Flesh and Nothingness". The song slowly lurches from shoe gazing in the lair of darkness onto an impressive pace of drum beat blasts and melodic guitar strumming. Added screamed vocals by Numinas rounds in out until it's eventual climax. The seventh and final cut is "Syndrome" a doomish dirge that slowly picks up speed. Until the end with it's frantic stretch of sludge. Yes it's time to leave, get the fuck out! Or for you weak ones, smash jewel CD case and slash wrists appropriately. Numanis even provides the perfect keyboard passage out as you begin to sleep for the final time.

Moribund Records

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