Friday, January 18, 2008

Blut Aus Nord - Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination CD review

BLUT AUS NORD - Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination CD
While listening to this latest release by French three piece,BLUT AUS NORD, I picture some demonic machine or even a factory labyrinth. And as you enter the thing comes to life to reveal only horror within it's inner workings. The opening track seems to lure you with this atmospheric vibe but once inside the doors slam shut. You are then pounded by industrial strength Black Metal. The mechanical-like drumming keeps this nightmare intact throughout. The guitars are melodic as if patterning them after the rhythm of a echoing machine. At times it's like a conveyor belt of static shocks. Other instances it's a jackhammer pulverising it's
intended target to microscopic proportions. The keyboards seem to hold everything together like welding two competing forces bent on destroying one another into one horrific killing machine.

The most chilling aspect of this whole release are the vocals. Actually I wouldn't even call them vocals at all. Sometimes they are haunting rasps reaching out to grasp whatever they can get hold of. Then on other cuts they come at you like tortured screams of agony. Whether they're to repel or welcome you is another matter altogether. I like how the vocals are not competing for life with the guitar. The whole is layered together but with waves of one pouring out at the perfect times and then reseeding to allow the other to hurt you as well. All in all it's a great
effect which makes this thing like a dark secret come to life.

Something important to note is that this was produced by Jaz Coleman, the guy who introduced the world to Industrial Metal with KILLING JOKE years ago. Thankfully he didn't homogenize this thing down to the likes of his latter day work. Instead, BLUT AUS NORD are this crude out of control industrial age blackened machine of hate. I was expecting this thing to end with a ripping of flesh and guts. But a surprise, the CD exits as it entered in. The atmospheric opening returns to allow you to exit this horror of sound and imagination.

I can picture an elementary school field trip to a pork slaughterhouse. The class stands on a moving sidewalk and then enters the great hall of carnage. A monotone pre-recorded voice explains all the goings on as the children watch. Some are horrified to the point where they turn away in disgust. Others move off to vomit after seeing where their lunch had just come from. And then there is one left, a very stoic figure for a child. He stands enthralled as he watches in guilty delight all the goings on. The teacher, standing in the background, looks upon the child and makes a mental note to remember this one.

Yeah that's what this is all about. Dragging your imagination beyond those limits forced upon you before by zealots. BLUNT AUS NORD takes fantasy and ties it all into reality as if it were a true memory.

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